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The Michigan Postal Workers Union Executive Board Election

The Michigan Postal Workers Union Executive Board voted on August 12th to conduct nominations for MPWU Officer positions via ZOOM

The ZOOM meeting for nominations will be held on Tuesday, September 15th at 5 P.M. A “call in number” or link for the ZOOM meeting is located at the bottom of this article. 

The meeting may be accessed via electronic communication or a landline telephone.

Any dues paying member of the MPWU may call in and /or nominate a member for the following positions: President, Exec. Secretary, Sec.-Treasurer, Dir. Research & Ed, Editor, Legislative Dir., HR/Injury Comp, Clerk Craft Dir., Maint. Craft Dir., MVS Craft Dir., Veteran's Director, Area Directors, POWER Rep, Retiree Chapter, Historian,

President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Trustee-three (3) positions to be filled. 

Nominees from ZOOM meeting must either verbally accept during ZOOM or notify Mike Mize, MPWU President, in writing via US mail or email that they accept nomination. 

Once candidates have been nominated, ballots will be mailed out by an Election Committee composed of MPWU members. The ballots will be mailed to Local Presidents via U.S. Express Mail on either September 16 or 17. 

Ballots must be received by the Election Committee not later than October 1, 2020

I would advise those returning ballots to do so promptly via U.S. Express Mail to assure receipt by the Election Committee.

The COVID-19 crisis has precipitated this extraordinary election. As members know the MPWU and MPWU Retiree Chapter Conventions as well as the National APWU Convention have all been postponed until 2021. However, the APWU Secretary-Treasurer’s office has informed us that under U.S. Department of Labor regulations, constitutionally required elections must be held. Hopefully, this will be a one-time occurrence. 

Those with further questions may contact MPWU President Mike Mize at phone #810-444-7578. Email address


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